Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Week 9, Thing 20

Being given free license to explore YouTube is a pretty wonderful thing haha. I, like most people, could get lost for days searching and viewing videos on the site. There's truly something for everyone and even though I know people who are not technologically saavy, I bet they still have seen a YouTube video through emails or other family members showing them the latest YouTube fad video. And the amazing this is that while there are plenty of funny, fan-related, or outrageous videos, there are still serious videos--like religious-themed, politically-inspired, or philosophical in nature.

On that note...the video I am choosing to upload is a beagle howling video because we have a beagle at home and I am partial to their wonderful bugle barking.

What I like about the site is the accessibility to all types of videos, and when you're searching a search history box comes up that helps with things you are unsure of the titles for.

As far as library use, book club discussions or author interview videos to me seem to be the most applicable, and something that libraries could utilize to introduce media into their resources. Also, book recommendations would have a greater personal appeal if librarians were in person recommending a book on a YouTube that could be linked to the library's website. Or, librarians could have personal staff pages on each library's website where their own linked YouTube recommendations are found.

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