Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Week 6, Thing 14

This Technorati activity was not my favorite. First of all, when attempting to search for certain keywords of interest, most of the blogs that came up in the search results barely mentioned the phrase or word I was looking for. It was more interesting to see the different blogs people were interested in in addtion to their own, which gave a better perspective of their interests and philosophies. However, I find the idea of a "watchlist" and tagging my blog so that it purposely brings more people to my personal site a little sketchy. My own use of a blog, if I choose to keep one, will be intended for friends and family only, but obviously this is all personal preference and some people only blog in order that other people can read and see their thoughts. The only real surprising things that I found in the popular blogs/searches is that some of the things people were searching for seemed to be old news--but, without TV or cable, I may myself be behind in the times as far as knowing what interests are coming back in vogue again.

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